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Einar Ólafur Matthíasson 


After working with photography for over a decade, I felt it was time to widen my horizon. I wanted my job to be more about experience and adventure. Making the change over to tourism, has given me so much more than I could ever have hoped for. Traveling with people who are eager to see the inner Iceland, up to the highlands and glaciers, has definitely opened a new world to me. It allows me to be in a landscape I never seem to tire of. What makes this way of life especially rewarding is the people I get to meet. They arrive from all over the world with different expectations, norms and cultural backgrounds. However, not many of them really know what to anticipate. They come here for different reasons and with their own way of seeing and feeling. Yet, one thing they all have in common when they leave Iceland is that they feel charmed and amazed. This in turn fills my days with wonder and an immense feeling of gratitude for all the magical moments I get to be a part of.  

I guide in: English, Danish and Norwegian/Scandinavian.

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